Word: | Correct answer: | My answer: |
verdict | judgment | - |
proces | trial | - |
elibera | release | - |
sesiune | exam(ination) period | - |
inculpare | charge(s) | - |
procuror | (public) prosecutor | - |
puşcărie | prison | - |
arest | imprisonment | - |
condamna | sentence | - |
acuză | accusation | - |
achitare | acquittal | - |
judecător | judge | - |
apărare | defence | - |
litigiu | litigation | - |
beci | prison | - |
interogatoriu | examination | - |
eliberare | release | - |
sentinţă | judgment | - |
avocat | lawyer | - |
delincvent | perpetrator | - |
graţiere | pardon | - |
iertare | pardon | - |
arbitraj | arbitration | - |
făptuitor | perpetrator | - |
for | court of justice | - |
sechestru | distraint | - |
martor | witness | - |
tribunal | court | - |
anchetator | investigator | - |
citaţie | subpoena | - |
cauţiune | bail | - |
acuzat | accused | - |
inculpat | accused | - |
plângere | suit | - |
execuţie | execution | - |
jurământ | oath | - |
investigaţie | investigation | - |
sperjur1 | perjury | - |
reclamant | plaintiff | - |
mărturie | testimony | - |
pârât | the accused | - |
acuzare | charge(s) | - |
procedură | procedure | - |
făptaş | perpetrator | - |
amnistie | amnesty | - |
contestaţie | litigation | - |
apel | appeal | - |
acţionare | suit | - |
închisoare | prison | - |
anchetare | investigation | - |